
Keeping it real and quilt content

Recently Lila posted a photo of her kitchen sink…recognizing what that her home & sewing space aren’t as sparkly clean as either she’d like it to be or what she sees on other blogs she reads.  I commented, me too, me too.  Lila’s niece Chelsea decided to have a contest…I’m in.  I’ve been busy quilting, planning a quilt show and lots of other things.  Cleaning up my sewing space has not been a high priority.  I took this photo this morning:

This pretty well sums it up.  A quilt at the machine, work on the ironing board (trying to figure out if I want to quilt that fabric or not.  The bins below have fabric for specific projects.  The white bag with the red is a quilt I need to write up a proposal for repair work.  The piece jutting out from the left right into the lens is a quilt I just finished quilting.  The basket to the right of the sewing machine is sitting on a couple of bins and those hold bias binding…I always need bias binding. Right down in front of my feet (when I took this picture is my quilt show bag that houses my binders for the show (one of the notebooks is on the ironing board).    Once the show is over I’m going to take a day or two and reorganize the space.   Maybe.

All this quilt needs is the binding.  As I’ve thought about it I think I’m going to “face it” as Jeri Riggs showed us a while back.  I just don’t know that anything else will work with this quilt.  I’ve really enjoyed quilting this…here’s a close up of the center block.

There is a lot of quilting in this short amount of space.  I just started playing to see what would happen when.

I started quilting the big quilt for the show.  Since the visual center of the quilt is off-center that gave me the inspiration for where to center the quilting.  Most of the quilting will be free motion feathers.

As I started quilting I knew I wanted to fill the space of the quilt in various sizes and shapes of feathers and just went to town.

The main feathers coming out from the “center” of the quilt are quite big and on a line heading out to the first border of the quilt.  The others head off at various angles curving toward the edge of the quilt.  In one quadrant I’m going to change the thread to another color.  Kudos’s to Cheryl for her amazing skills piecing and using color in this quilt.  I can hardly wait to get this fished.  It will be one step closer to being done and one step closer to working on MJ’s quilt and a few other projects.

In a day or two we’ll have our demo info up on the Village Squares Quilters website.  Each one of the vendors will have a demo Saturday & Sunday.  If you’re in the Hartsdale area the weekend of November 8th & 9th come by Quilt Celebration X.

That’s all for me tonight.

Happy Quilting!

5 thoughts on “Keeping it real and quilt content”

  1. Love the wall hanging, although I never heard the term ‘face it’ before. I think that somethings don’t need bindings, so I couldn’t agree with you more… I just call it facing a quilt, now I learned some new lingo!

    As for the feathers, can’t wait unti I see it up close. I have to learn to do those! It is the tops that always throw me off and I give up, can’t seem to make it look natural as I come back down the other side.

    Oh well… keep up the good work and how cares about the mess!

  2. Teri, you can constantly clean and when you die your tombstone will say “And, she was a tidy person”. Meanwhile, your house will be a mess again before they get you into the ground. My philosophy: As long as you leave it better than you found it you are ahead of the game.

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